About KinemaDB

This website is focusing on collecting and sharing German Films including the people and companies involved in making them.

At the moment the main focus is German Language Films from Germany. However Films produced from Austrian-, Swiss-, and German-based companies can also be found here. This means a company can produce a film in a non-german language.

This is not a commercial website, no profit is being made, no ads is being displayed, no tracking is being made.


It comes from a personal interest of both the German language and filmmaking.

There's few websites that focus on German Films. The popular websites include german films, but they are not the priority and get lost with all other films.

In Germany many great Films and TV Shows are produced, yet difficult to discover them outside German-speaking Country.

The goal is to make a website dedicated to collect and share German Films for those interested in the German Language, German produced films, and great films.

Germany has a rich history in Cinema. The oldest large-scale Film Studio is located in Germany. It can be tracked down to 1 November 1895 when Skladanowsky brothers demonstrated their self-invented film projector, the Bioscop, at the Wintergarten music hall in Berlin. A 15-minute series of eight short films were shown – the first screening of films to a paying audience. This performance pre-dated the first paying public display of the Lumière brothers' Cinematographe in Paris on 28 December of the same year[1].